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Teatime Blackberry Scones

tea time Nov 03, 2023

 It was a fine autumn morning walk, and I have a funny story for you, and it's about "boobies"? That is what my daughter calls "blackberries," haha... It can get awkward when we are walking past the lush blackberry bushes across our street, and my daughter is yelling in excitement, "BOOBIES"! Yes, there seems always to be someone walking past, and they are thinking, who knows what...


One tradition I want to continue weekly is inviting someone over for teatime and some fresh baked goods. My daughter is always the life of the Tea party, so I chose her most adored berry to be the featured "Teatime Scone Recipe." 

 Creating a healthy keto & paleo-approved succulent scone took some trial and error. But I must say, these Bakerlita Scones taste just like the lovely scones you would enjoy at a fancy high tea party. There are a few tips and tricks I discovered that make the most 5-star recipes.

Tip: Use shredded cold grass-fed butter or coconut oil (try freezing). This technique adds a beautiful texture and flavour of goodness to these scones. 

I created a quick step-by-step video tutorial for you. I can't wait for you to make these scones and invite a girlfriend over for a cup of tea and enjoy catching up.

Watch here:

If you ever want to change the flavour, that is so fun to get creative. Since fall is pretty much here, try adding some thin slices of apple or pears and, of course, cinnamon. Try adding some berry compote on top, oh and some Devonshire "clouted" cream.

Dry ingredients

  • 224g (2 cups) almond flour
  • 46g (1/3 cup) coconut flour
  • 35g (1/4 cup) sweetener monk fruit, erythritol, xylitol
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda

Wet ingredients

  • 45g (3 tablespoons) grass-fed butter chill/frozen
  • ---sub for palm shortening or coconut oil to make DF
  • 125mL (1/2 cup) full-fat Greek 10% yogurt or coconut yogurt (full-fat)
  • 1 free-run egg room temp
  • 10mL (2 teaspoons) pure vanilla extract 


  • 60g (1/2 cup) sweetener monk fruit, erythritol, xylitol
  • 2-3tbsp full-fat coconut milk

Serve with Devonshire "clouted" cream?

Clotted cream (Cornish: dehen molys, sometimes called scalded, clouted, Devonshire or Cornish cream) is a thick cream made by heating full-cream cow's milk using steam or a water bath and then leaving it in shallow pans to cool slowly.



  1. In a medium bowl, measure/weigh out all your dry ingredients.

  2. Shred butter/coconut oil into dry ingredients, add berries, and mix.

  3. add in all the wet ingredients and mix until just combined, being careful not to over-mix.

  4. Shape the dough into round disks  (about 2 inches thick), cut into 6 slices.

  5. Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C and line one baking sheet with parchment paper.

  6. Bake the scones for 17-20 minutes.

  7. Cool on the scones, cut them in half, and add some lovely berry compote and clotted cream.

  8. Store in an airtight container for five to six days and freeze for up to three months.


Blessings & #BakeTheBakerlitaWay 

Andrea Witthoeft | Bakerlita




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